Daily Bulletin
Great Hollow Middle School Bulletin for Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Today is an "A" Day
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News from the Hollow - 12/18/24
Check out our latest edition of News from the Hollow created by our Digital Media Team HERE.
GHMS December Newsletter
Please enjoy our December newsletter at GHMS - In the News.
The 2025 NYSSMA solo festival is open for registration. Details are on the district website under the music department. Registration ends January 17th. Ask your music teacher if you have questions.
Boys Volleyball
If you are interested in trying out for boys volleyball, starting on Monday January 13th, please join the google classroom for all important information. The flyer with the code is on the sports board. You must have all your paperwork in final forms complete and be cleared in order to tryout on Monday. Any questions, please e-mail Coach Marchese.
Study Skills Workshop
The Smithtown Youth Bureau Study Skills Workshop will begin on Thursday, 1/9, after school. If you have registered, please go to the main library by 2:45 on Thursdays 1/9, 1/16 and 1/23. You must attend all three sessions.
GHMS Library Makerspace
If you'd like to make a tie-blanket for the animals in the Smithtown Animal Shelter, please join Ms. Conte and Mrs. Jakubowsky in the Makerspace during your lunch period.
First Lego League
The First Lego League teams competed this weekend at our very own Great Hollow Middle School. It was a very exciting event and one of our teams, The Electronic Bulls, took home the "Rising Stars" award which is a team that was deemed to have great potential for the future.
Words of Wisdom
Any 8th graders interested in reading the Words of Wisdom & Pledge can sign up in room 258 or with their Social Studies teacher. You can sign up alone or with a friend. National Junior Honor Society members can earn community service hours for participating. Please see Mrs. Vannoni in room 258 with any questions or for more information.
Lost and Found
Great Hollow now has a Google Classroom where pictures of lost items will be posted weekly. Join the classroom to locate your child's missing shoes/clothes/water bottles/sports equipment etc. Items will be displayed by the Counseling Center Entrance. National Junior Honor Society members will be bagging and storing items at the end of every month. Stored items will be accessible until the end of the school year. Join the Google Classroom and help your child find their stuff! Google Classroom code: x53h54h
You can find a full listing of clubs offered at GHMS HERE.
Popcorn Fridays
If you would like to treat yourself to a popcorn snack, please bring $1 on the following Fridays:
PTA Membership GHMS PTA membership dues are $10 per member. Anyone who would like to volunteer at any event must be a paid member of the PTA for the current school year. Go to http://greathollowpta.memberhub.store to join online. You may also send your dues in to the school in an envelope marked ATTENTION: PTA PRESIDENT. PTA meetings for the 24-25 school year will be held on the following Wednesdays: PTA meetings will be held in the GHMS library at 7pm unless otherwise noted. Please join us!
Student Absences and Early Dismissals Student Absences: All student absences should be reported in the morning by calling the Health/Attendance Office at 631-382-2825 or emailing GMS-Attendance@smithtown.k12.ny.us. In order for absences to be entered into the system as an excused absence, we require written correspondence from a parent/guardian or doctor. Early Dismissal: If you are picking your child up from school early the student must bring a note to the Attendance Office that morning. Any early dismissals should be picked up no later than 2:15pm, otherwise children can be picked up on the walker line at normal dismissal time where no note required.